Dr. Madeline Polonia

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Want Help with ADHD? Try HeartMath

How Heartmath Can Help With ADHD

HeartMath can help people with ADHD identify ways to attain coherence. Coherence is an optimal state in which the mind, heart and emotions operate in sync and are balanced. This state of coherence has been proven to have numerous emotional, mental and physical benefits.

How Does Heartmath Work?

Heartmath is a research based system of scientifically validated tools, techniques and technology to increase mental and emotional self-regulation.  HeartMath includes heart rhythm coherence monitoring and feedback technology called emWave technology. The emWave desktop technology trains kids and adults to gain greater self control, reduce stress and increase resilience.  Using either a finger sensor or an ear sensor connected to a USB module running on emWave software, it monitors and displays an individual's heart rhythm patterns and coherence levels on a computer screen.  

By practicing self regulation techniques with the emWave Pro technology, people can change their coherence levels.  Each individual session is recorded and saved automatically in the program so users can track their progress over time.  

Learning the emWave technology is not done in isolation from real life.  The goal is to transfer what is learned in each session to specific life situations in which a child or adult is required to exercise self control.  Real life applications ensure a higher quality of learning.

HeartMath and ADHD

Behavior treatment for children with ADHD involves changing some aspects of the home and school environments to promote more successful social/emotional interactions and academic growth.  These adjustments typically include creating more structure, encouraging routines and implementing specific goals and daily positive reinforcement. The emWave technology ties in well with behavior management.  HeartMath can be a great addition to teaching kids with ADHD effective coping skills like self control and impulse control. 

Source:  Using emWave Technology for Children with ADHD, Institute of HeartMath