6 Benefits of Green Exercise

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you are outside in nature?  What do you notice when you’re walking or exercising outside?  Let’s explore the benefits of exercising in nature.  

Being in nature by itself is known to help you relax, restore your focus and increase your level of happiness.   Green exercise is any type of physical activity completed outdoors. Some examples of green exercise are doing yoga at a park, walking in a canyon or beach, running, cycling or gardening.   

Benefits of Exercising Outdoors:

1.  Green exercise is linked to greater use of the imagination and senses, and cognitive advantages.

2. Some studies have shown that children exercising outdoors have significantly lower levels of cortisol as compared to children exercising indoors.  Cortisol is a hormone released in the body in response to stress.

3.  Exercising outdoors seems to reduce your rating of perceived exertion.  In other words, exercising outside can be experienced as having more fun which helps the exercise seem less difficult.  

4. A study conducted by Barton and Pretty found that the greater the time spent doing green exercise, the greater the benefit in both self-esteem and mood. Thus, the study found that engaging in green exercise showed improvements in mental health.

5.  Exercising outside increases the chances that you will continue to participate in physical activity in the future, and more likely to adhere to a program in general.

6.  Outdoor exercise can enhance our engagement in nature as we learn to pay closer attention and to be mindful of our bodies as we bike on a dirt path or hike a rocky slope. 

In conclusion, there are great benefits to exercising, especially outdoors.  Give yourself permission to exercise outdoors and enjoy being in nature at the same time.  I hope you  make exercise a part of your daily self care.