The Power of Mindful Moments

We often hear the word mindfulness but what does it really mean?  As psychologist Dr. Tara Brach once said, “Mindfulness is a way of paying attention moment-to-moment to what's happening within and around us without judgment. So, said differently, when we attend to the moment-to-moment flow of experience, and recognize what's happening…fully allowing it, not adding judgment or commentary, then we are cultivating a mindful awareness.”  

Numerous studies link mindfulness to better health, lower anxiety, and greater resilience to stress. When we’re mindful, we gain insight, reduce stress, enhance performance, and increase awareness by observing our own mind.  

One way to begin practicing mindfulness is recognizing that it is a wonderful way to focus on our self care.  Mindful moments can provide a much needed respite during the current stressful and unprecedented times.  Self care is critical to our mental and physical well being. 

Suggestions for mindful moments:

1. Close your eyes for a few minutes and pay attention to your breath.  Focus on inhaling for a count of 5 and exhaling for a count of 5.

2.  Before getting out of bed in the morning, think of 3 things you are grateful for and focus on your breathing.

3.  Practice 4-4-8 breathing.  Inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 8.  The deep exhalation helps to access the parasympathetic nervous system known as the rest and digest system.

4. When sitting at work, stand up and practice stretching for a few minutes.  Practice doing forward and backward shoulder rolls, stretch your arms above your head and then try and touch your toes.

5. During lunch, go outside and walk for a few minutes and take a look up at the sky and/or smell a flower.

6.  Take a few minutes to close your eyes and visualize a safe relaxing place while focusing on your senses.  What do you see, hear, smell, taste and touch? Allow yourself to be in the moment at your favorite relaxing space.   

My hope for you is that you make self care a priority in your life. It is also a great way to teach our kids effective ways of navigating daily stressors. Once you practice simple self care strategies, you'll likely recognize the many benefits for your mental and physical well being.